Lista de escudos de países de Asia

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Todos los escudos de países de Asia.

Escudos de países de Asia

País Escudo
Afganistán Emblem of Afghanistan.svg
Arabia Saudita Coat of arms of Saudi Arabia.svg
Armenia Coat of arms of Armenia.svg
Azerbaiyán Coat of arms of Azerbaijan.svg
Bahréin Coat of arms of Bahrain.svg
Bangladés Coat of arms of Bangladesh.svg
Birmania State seal of Myanmar.svg
Brunéi Emblem of Brunei.svg
Bután Emblem of Bhutan.svg
Camboya Royal Arms of Cambodia.svg
China National Emblem of the People's Republic of China.svg
Corea del Norte Coat of Arms of North Korea.svg
Corea del Sur Coat of arms of South Korea.svg
Emiratos Árabes Unidos Coat of arms of the United Arab Emirates.svg
Filipinas Coat of Arms of the Philippines.svg
Georgia Greater coat of arms of Georgia.svg
Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR Regional Emblem.svg
India Emblem of India.svg
Indonesia National emblem of Indonesia Garuda Pancasila.svg
Irak Coat of arms (emblem) of Iraq 2008.svg
Irán Coat of arms of Iran.svg
Israel Coat of arms of Israel.svg
Japón Japanese Imperial Seal.svg
Jordania Coat of Arms of Jordan.svg
Kirguistán National emblem of Kyrgyzstan.svg
Kuwait Coat of arms of Kuwait.svg
Laos Coat of arms of Laos.svg
Líbano Coat of Arms of Lebanon.svg
Malasia Coat of arms of Malaysia.svg
Maldivas Coat of Arms of Maldives.svg
Mongolia Coat of Arms of Mongolia.svg
Nepal Coat of arms of Nepal.svg
Omán Coat of arms of Oman.svg
Pakistán Coat of arms of Pakistan.svg
Palestina Coat of arms of State of Palestine (Official).png
Qatar Coat of arms of Qatar.svg
Rusia Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation.svg
Singapur Coat of arms of Singapore (blazon).svg
Siria Coat of arms of Syria.svg
Sri Lanka Coat of arms of Sri Lanka.svg
Tailandia Garuda Emblem of Thailand.svg
Taiwán National Emblem of the Republic of China.svg
Tayikistán Emblem of Tajikistan.svg
Timor Oriental Coat of arms of East Timor.svg
Turkmenistán Coat of Arms of Turkmenistan.svg
Turquía TurkishEmblem.svg
Uzbekistán Coat of Arms of Uzbekistan.svg
Vietnam Coat of arms of Vietnam.svg
Yemen Emblem of Yemen.svg

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